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Sunday, July 22, 2007

Joke No. 149

The Cloth In A Bar

A priest, a father, and a rabbi are walking home from their
respective services when they pass a bar.

The priest says, "I wish we could all go in and have a drink
tonight." To this the father says, "let me try something I'll
be right back."

So the father goes into the bar, sits down and orders a drink.
When the bartender comes over to get paid the father says,
"my son, I have already paid you for my drink.", to which
the bartender replies, "I'm sorry father, it must've slipped
my mind." "It's alright my son. You have a good night", the
father says and leaves.

He goes outside to tell the priest and the rabbi what to do.

The priest goes in and comes out successful, so the rabbi
goes in.He orders and when it comes time to pay he says
to the bartender, "listen sonny I have already paid for my
drinks tonight". Now the bartender replies, "I'm sorry rabbi,
you're the third man of the cloth to come in here tonight I
must be slipping!", to this the rabbi replies, "that's ok sonny,
but can I have the change from my fifty."

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